Thursday, May 14, 2020

The South China Sea Essay - 1816 Words

Since the 3rd Century AD, the South China Sea has been home to countless territorial disputes between China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and other East Asian Nations. This region is so contentious because it is one of the busiest trade routes, and is home to vast natural resources. Because of the long and dense history of them, these disputes are some of the most difficult events to understand and interpret in international relations. Because the disputes deal with relative power, and the security dilemma, looking at the events through a realist lens is the most practical way of analyzing them. Although there have been small disputes dating back to the 3rd Century, conflict in the South China Sea really started to heat up in the early 1900’s. In the 19th Century, France had been heavily involved in the South China Sea because they had colonized French Indochina (present day Vietnam). However France was more concerned about control of the Gulf of Tonkin than the entire South China Sea. The early disputes were primarily over the Paracel Islands, a group of islands somewhat in between China and Vietnam. In 1902 (Serverino, 2010, p.76), China ordered the first official exploration of the islands preemptively because they were worried the the French might try to claim the islands as part of Indochina’s territory. Then in the 1920’s, both Japan and France claimed to own the Paracel s. It was around this time that China said the Paracel’s were the southernmost part of its territory.Show MoreRelatedThe South China Sea1638 Words   |  7 PagesThe Enviro nment The South China Sea, a body of water located in the western Pacific Ocean, borders many nations within East and Southeast Asia such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. The topography of the region varies widely. One of the major defining features of the South China Sea is its deep sea basin located in the east which includes reef-filled shoals and sandbanks. 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